Our Services


We develop robotics solutions to enable transformation in the organizations.

Data & A.I.

Our Data & AI vertical is made up of industry services and solutions to lead the organization in the adoption of artificial intelligence capabilities, under a strategic roadmap of transformation to a data driven culture.

Data & A.I.

Our Data & AI vertical is made up of industry services and solutions to lead the organization in the adoption of artificial intelligence capabilities, under a strategic roadmap of transformation to a data driven culture.

Cloud Native Solutions

We are experts in the implementation of elastic, scalable and self-managing solutions, which incorporate cloud services into their architecture, which reduce the time to market for innovation in organizations. We have the necessary capabilities to transform the technological base of our clients to a 100% cloud-based approach.

Roomie Business Principles

These are some of the principles that are most important to us.

Success of our clients, we are roomies not suppliers

The main business principle for Roomie is to generate technological solutions that positively impact the growth of our clients, beyond the monetization of our services, our main motivation is to see our clients positioned as leading companies in their industry, contributing our technology so that they fulfill their strategic objectives. We do not want to be seen as just another technology provider, we are a Roomie, who shares the understanding of your business and the responsibility that the organization has to achieve its goals.

Measurable Results in Stipulated Periods

We believe that the growth of organizations is measured in results in a binary way, 0 or 1, results are achieved or not achieved. Therefore, we have an obsession to achieve what we propose and commit ourselves, both internally and externally to our organization, ensuring that the time, cost, scope and quality, agreed in all our projects.

Data Driven Decision Making

We are a technology company, we fully believe in its benefits, we incorporate information systems in our processes that allow us to get data on a day-to-day basis and only make decisions according to the information provided by this data, independently of the job that each of us has within Roomie.

Mexican Technology

We have a commitment to Mexico, to generate local technology that can be exported to the whole world, we consider that technology is the strongest catalyst that can empower us economically, socially, politically as a nation. We create employment opportunities for mexican professionals, giving them the option of creating cutting-edge technology within their own country, without having to emigrate to seek a job opportunity.

We refine our behavior to obtain results

We focus our day to day, to improve our behavior, to have more knowledge, to be more proactive, to obtain greater ownership and to be better professionals. By doing this, the results are achieved naturally.

Innovation Tech lovers

We are committed to positioning technological trends in the sectors that exploit them the least, we are passionate about disruptive technologies such as: data lake, artificial intelligence, cloud native software or humanoid robotics, for which we do everything in our power to ensure that our clients adopt these trends and benefit from their implementation, we no longer want them to operate in a old school fashion.

Roomie Excellence Delivery Framework

Roomie Excellence Delivery Framework

Enterprise Architecture

All of our implementations consider business architecture at the project’s inception stage, with the aim of deploying solutions for our clients that directly impact their strategic objectives and align with their installed base of IT assets and with their digital transformation strategy.

User Experience

In all our projects we involve consultants specialized in user experience, who understand the requirements of our clients and generate high-impact interfaces for the end users of the products that we develop. These interfaces can be web, mobile or even voice enabled, as in the case of humanoid robots.

PM 4 Agile

We know the importance of generating value for our clients in a short time, under an agile and iterative approach, as well as taking care of the investment, quality and delivery date agreed upon when starting a project. Our team of managers achieve the perfect balance between the operational agility and compliance with restrictions in project delivery.


We define solution architectures, which are adopted by various areas that make up the IT ecosystem in organizations, we define products that consider the requirements of the security department, operations, project management, development and the innovation. With the aim that our solutions always reach productive environments for the end user.

Product Innovation

All the solutions we deliver to our clients incorporate innovation, we support the implementation of our technology with realistic business cases that directly impact the companies’ innovation strategy. We implement projects that encourage our clients to be leaders in their industry.