RoomieBot COVID-19
Roomie is a company dedicated to generating disruptive technology with the aim of helping organizations to enter the digital transformation. When the virus began to spread, we thought about how we could help in our country to stop the massive contagion and in our case, it was through humanoid robotics.
From the moment the spread increased, we dedicated all our technological and financial efforts to develop a robot that could help both medical personnel and exposed people in areas of higher density such as offices.
The model we planned needed to be able to interact with users to perform a routine questionnaire, have the ability to measure people’s temperature using a thermometer and identify breathing difficulties through an oximeter. This would help as a first filter for possible infections and facilitate the work for the medical staff in a hospital or prevent someone from infecting a larger number of people in a crowded space such as an office or a university.
After almost two weeks of hard work, our team managed to finish a working prototype capable of acting as a first contact for people in public spaces to prevent the spread of the coronavirus or any other disease.
You can see our RoomieBot COVID-19 model in our Youtube channel where we posted a video explaining its functionality.